Level 3 Award
in Organisation Structures and their Culture and Values
Level 3 Award could transfer 20 credits and full tuition fees to Level 3 Diploma programs of SIMI Swiss.

Level 3 Award in Organisation Structures and their Culture and Values
The aim of this award is to provide the learner with an understanding of the role the structure of an organisation plays in its effectiveness and the importance of values in the achievement of outcomes and performance. The unit also introduces the relationship between organisational values and organisational culture and behaviour.
Could transfer 20 credits and full tuition fee to the Level 3 Diploma in People and Organisations of SIMI Swiss.
Learning Outcomes:
1. Understand organisational structures.
1.1 Describe the purpose and scope of a business.
1.2 Explain the differences between the private sector, public sector and voluntary sector.
1.3 Explain the role of organisational structure in organisational effectiveness.
1.4 Explain the use of different organisational structures.
2. Understand the organisational environment.
2.1 Discuss the importance of understanding the business environment
2.2 Describe the internal and external influences on organisations.
2.3 Explain why a change in the business environment is important for making business decisions.
3. Understand the ethics of an organisation.
3.1 Explain the meaning of ethics in business.
3.2 Analyse the importance of ethical behaviour to a business.
3.3 Explain the purpose and benefits of an ethical business code.
4. Understand how organisational culture and values are developed.
4.1 Explain the different types of organisational culture and values.
4.2 Describe the features of an effective organisational culture.
4.3 Examine factors influencing the development of organisational culture and values.
4.4 Explain the concept of organisational values.
4.5 Explain the interrelationship between organisational values and organisational culture.
Understand organisational structures.
Course Coverage
Business : Meaning of a business, Business organisations, difference between organisation and industry, the aims and purposes of business, scope of business by product/services, domestic/international.
Private Sector: run by individuals and companies for profit ie Sole trader – Partnership – Limited company – Public Limited Company.
Public Sector: managed by government ministries and departments and financed through public and business taxes; provide service to public ie Education: schools; colleges, National Health Service: hospitals; nursing homes; GP practices, Local councils, Police. Voluntary Sector: not for profit organisations; benefit the public ie Charities: Oxfam; Red Cross, Trusts: Housing Associations, Local community interest organisations ie Neighbourhood Watch Schemes Societies ie local sports club; uniformed organisations (scouts and guides, theatre groups)
Organisation structures: line, line and staff, matrix, team, mechanistic, organic, centralised, decentralised, flat, tall
Grouping of work, function/product/service, location, nature of work, shared time scales, staff employed, stakeholders, combinations of methods of grouping work.
Informal organisational structures, the difference between formal and informal structure, promote communication, provide satisfaction, provide social control, resistance to change, role conflict, lack of control over information of informal structure.
Understand the organisational environment.
Course Coverage
Business and business environment: internal environment and external environment. Use of SWOT and PEST analysis and their significance in business decision-making.
Internal influences within the organisation’s control.
Positive: good lines of communication; important information will be given and received; no confusion.
Negative: bad lines of communication; important information may not be given or received; confusion about what needs to be done.
Manager motivation:
Positive: staff will be recognised (staff will become motivated, work will be completed and completed well)
Negative: lack of recognition (staff will become demotivated, work not completed or completed badly)
Company image or reputation:
Positive: good image or reputation (people will continue to use the company, company will gain business, company may need to recruit to expand the business)
Negative: poor image or reputation (people will stop using the company, company will lose business, company may need to downsize and staff may lose their jobs)
Positive: staff will know how to carry out their work; will know the expectations.
Negative: staff will not know how to carry out their work; will not know the expectation.
Recruitment processes:
Positive: skilled and experienced staff; work completed appropriately.
Negative: unskilled or inexperienced staff; work not completed appropriately; work redone by more qualified/experienced person.
Management skills:
Positive: staff/budget and work flow will be controlled; company will succeed.
Negative: staff/budget and work flow will not be controlled; company will fail.
External influences beyond the organisation’s control -PEST Analysis.
Good lending conditions: good investment opportunities for services/product development; choice of financial sources. Tight lending conditions: make investment opportunities for services/product development difficult; need to explore alternative financing sources.
Decrease in interest rates supports spending; loan repayments decreased.
Increase in interest rates supports savings and investments; loan repayments increased Decrease in taxes: increases profits.
Increase in taxes reduces profits.
Government regulations: develop plans for compliance with regulations.
Competition from similar providers: enhance innovation and service to stay ahead of the competition.
To continue to be successful it is important for organisations to:
Keep up with competitors, adapt to changes in the market
As the business grows, the environment should also adapt: structure change; recruitment; new departments/areas created or lost
Keep up with legislation and political decisions: employment law; health and safety; EU trading Keep up with technology: help business become more productive; streamlined; efficient.
SWOT and business decisions.
Understand the ethics of an organisation.
Course Coverage
Definition of business ethics, ethical activities, values of businesses, professional ethics, individual ethical behaviour.
Corporate governance, corporate social responsibility, environment, sustainability.
Supports human rights, corruption, trading fairly, legal and regulatory compliance, business practices, working conditions, and individual ethical responsibilities.
Understand how organisational culture and values are developed.
Course Coverage
Types of organisational culture: power, role, task, person, clan, adhocracy, market, hierarchy, bases of theories, purpose, results, authority, fun.
Features: consistency, coordination, control, demands on employees, support/care for employees, achievement of objectives, continuous improvement, level of employee commitment, identification with the business, reputational enhancement, positive perceptions.
Influences: history of organisation, achievement, function, focus, priorities, technology, goals, size, location, management and staff, demographics, environment, culture, stakeholders.
Impact of organisational values and culture on behaviour: affecting selection of team members, team objectives, decision making, controlling system, recruitment and selection, social tools and training, reward system.
Stakeholders: owners, customers, managers, staff, suppliers, employer bodies, employee bodies, local community, government.
Definition of values, impact on motivation and human behaviour, values affecting workplace behaviour, treatment of employees/stakeholders, sustainability, community, and engagement.
Challenges of shared values, embedding a common set of values, the impact of a common set of values, the influence of values on decision making, self-esteem, tolerance of ambiguity, social ambiguity, risk-taking.
Indicative reading list
Boddy D – Management: An Introduction, 6th edition, (FT Prentice Hall, 2008) 3000 words.
By, R.T. and Burnes, B. (2013) Organizational Change, Leadership and Ethics: Leading Organisations Towards Sustainability. London: Routledge.
Covey S – The Speed of Trust: The One Thing That Changes Everything (Simon and Schuster, 2008).
Huczynski, A. and Buchanan, D. (2013) Organisational Behaviour. 8th Ed. Harlow: Pearson.
Mullins LJ – Management and Organisational Behaviour, 10th edition (FT Publishing International, 2013).
Shockley-Zalabak P – Fundamentals of Organizational Communication, 8th edition (Pearson International Edition, 2011).
Entry requirements
- Applicants must be at least 16 years old.
- Completion of full secondary education is required.
English requirements
If a learner is not from a predominantly English-speaking country, proof of English language proficiency must be provided.
- Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) level B2 or equivalent
- Or A minimum TOEFL score of 101 or IELTS 5.5; Reading and Writing must be at 5.5 or equivalent
- Or A minimum Pearson Test of English Academic (PTE Academic) score of 51 or equivalent
The SIMI Swiss reserves the highest decision-making power for admission whether to accept or not accept after a specific review of each candidate’s profile to ensure that they can comprehend and gain benefits when participating. For the fake university or diploma mills, University Partners shall not be accepted.
After graduating with Level 3 Award, students receive all certified documents from the SIMI Swiss.
Certified Documents:
- e-Certificate from the Swiss Information and Management Institute (SIMI Swiss).
- Hard copy certificate from the Swiss Information and Management Institute (SIMI Swiss) – Optional.
- Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning for Qualifications (APEL.Q) certified from SIMI Swiss for credit and tuition fee transfer.
Because the program is accredited and recognized, students can easily use certified in the working environment and have many opportunities for career advancement. In addition, in case if you want to study for a SIMI degree or university partner degree, students can convert all credits and the full paid tuition fee.
The SIMI Swiss’ Level 3 Award means:
The SIMI Swiss Level 3 Award is a qualification at the foundational level and is equivalent to the following:
- Level 3 Certificate of the Regulated Qualification Framework (RQF) in the UK
- Level 6 Certificate of the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF)
- Level 3 Certificate of the Credit and Qualifications Framework for Wales (CQFW)
- Level 3 Certificate of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF)
- Level 4 Certificate of the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF)
- Level 3 Certificate of the ASEAN Qualifications Reference Framework (AQRF)
- Level 4 Certificate of the African Continental Qualifications Framework (ACQF)
Students can convert all credits and the full tuition fee when participating in the SIMI Swiss and/or University Partners academic programs if they want to study for an academic degree.
Credits transfer:
Learners can accumulate 20 credits from the Level 3 Award program when participating in the Level 3 Diploma program. Please see the credit transfer policy HERE
Tuition fee transfer:
When participating in the Level 3 Diploma program, students who have graduated 1 Level 3 Award will receive a discount of full tuition fee which you paid. Please see the tuition fee transfer HERE
The SIMI Swiss micro-credential program allows for the transfer of credits and tuition fees into full degree programs from SIMI Swiss and/or its university partners. SIMI Swiss reserves the right to limit admissions once the number of students exceeds the quotas.
Apply Policy:
- To participate in the SIMI Swiss micro-credential program, students need to meet the entry criteria corresponding to each level. Please see the “Entry” tab for more details.
- SIMI Swiss will not accept applicants if their entry qualifications are from diploma mill universities or schools/universities that are not accredited.
- English is not a mandatory entry requirement for Micro Credential programs, but candidates need to ensure that English is used in reading documents, listening to lectures, and doing assignments. Candidates should note that English is a mandatory requirement when switching to an academic program at SIMI Swiss and University Partners.
Apply Process:
- Choose the program that suits your requirements.
- Email your application to support@simiswiss.ch with all the required documents. You can download the application form here.
- Our admission department will contact you and guide you through further processes if the registration documents need to be supplemented.
- SIMI Swiss will issue the Letter of Acceptant (LOA). You wil proceed to the next steps according to the instructions and pay tuition fee.
- SIMI Swiss will issue a student confirmation letter, login account to the e-learning system and related documents.
- You have become an official SIMI Swiss student and enjoy your study journey.
The SIMI Swiss micro-credential program is fully online, allowing you to study anytime, anywhere. You have the option to attend live classes with SIMI Swiss. The final exam will be uploaded to the system and evaluated by the academic panel of SIMI Swiss. Students must submit assignments on time; failure to do so will result in the student being considered to have discontinued the program.
Pricing Plans
Take advantage of one of our non-profit professional certified programs with favorable terms for your personal growing carreers.
- Full online videos
- e-Books
- Self-study contents
- Online tutor videos
- Assignment guide
- e-Certificate
- Hard copy certificate
- Accreditation & Recognition certified from University Partners
- Deliver hard copy certificate and all certified documents to your home
- Transfer full credits & tuition fees to equivalent academic programs
- Get more support tuition fees and scholarships when becoming SIMI' international students
- (*) In the event that you receive a scholarship or discount, the fee you should transfer is the amount you actually paid.
Contact us
If you interested this micro credential course, please feel free to contact with us! Please note that this program is a not for profit and learning with full online model.