“When the labor market has no borders, mutual recognition of qualifications is very important and EQF is a powerful tool to support this.”

Prof. Dr. Eric Olmedo
UNESCO Chair Project Manager
continent mutual
European Qualification Framework
EQF Level 3
- ability to gain or apply a range of knowledge, skills and understanding at a detailed level
- appropriate if you plan to go to university, work independently or (in some cases) supervise and train others in their field of work
EQF Level 4
- specialist learning, involving detailed analysis of a high level of information and knowledge in an area of work or study
- suitable for people working in technical and professional jobs, and/or managing and developing others
EQF Level 5
- ability to increase the depth of knowledge and understanding of an area of work or study, so you can respond to complex problems and situations
- involves high level of work expertise and competence in managing and training others
- suitable for people working as higher grade technicians, professionals or managers
EQF Level 6 (Bachelor)
- a specialist, high-level knowledge of an area of work or study, to allow you to use your own ideas and research in response to complex problems and situations
- suitable for people working as knowledge-based professionals or in professional management positions
EQF Level 7 (Master)
- highly developed and complex levels of knowledge, enabling you to develop original responses to complicated and unpredictable problems and situations
- suitable for senior professionals and managers
EQF Level 8 (Doctoral)
- opportunity to develop new and creative approaches that extend or redefine existing knowledge or professional practice
- suitable for leading experts or practitioners in a particular field
Recognition & Accreditation
All LAS short courses are accredited and recognized and fully adapt with the European Qualification Framework